Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Good Mom

One of the most difficult things about being a parent, for me, is letting my son have his independance. I mentioned in this post that sometimes, I just want to get out the door in the morning and I don't care that he wants to put his shoes on by himself.

I've been working on this. So last night, I focused on my son. I had made dinner the night before, so all I have to do was pop it in the oven.

We built Lego towers.

Here's mine:

I let him play in the bathroom sink, when he was supposed to be washing his hands.

And when his shirt got wet from the aforementioned action, I let him change his shirt all by himself.

This was big. For me anyway.

Do you have any idea how painful this was for the control freak in me to watch?

But I let him do it. I even let him run around like this for the next ten minutes till it was bathtime.

Yesterday, I was a good mom.


  1. You are a very good mom! I think that letting go, even just a little, is the hardest thing about being a mom. Congratulations.

  2. Yay for you! I have a hard time with this one myself. But it is so important to do. And look at how proud he looks. Awesome!

  3. Oh this is so my problem...especially at the daughter is a little risk taker and I am always scared she is going to do something too risky...But after I read this you inspired me to let my little one put on her pj's. Didnt work out too well...and she got super frustrated...I wish she had a on smile as big as your little guy. He is too cute. I guess we are both good mamas today.

  4. Hey there - thanks for visiting my blog. What a handsome little fellow:) I hate sticky fingers and I'm always wiping or not letting my son play in dirty things. I have to consciously step back and let him play, you know? Let me know how the manicotti turns out!

  5. Hello, I'm visiting from New friend Friday. Your son is just a little doll. Watching our children struggle can be so hard, and yet it is so rewarding to watch them master new skills and learn and grow. Good for you!


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