Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Blog, Therefore I Am

I love to cook. That's no secret to anyone who knows me. I've been called "Little Miss Betty Crocker" and "Susie Homemaker" more times than I can count. Most recently, I've been informed that my boyfriend's son, a high school senior and future personal trainer, is searching for recipes for power bars for me to make because of how I love to cook.

I get great pleasure out of preparing wonderful, home-cooked meals for the people I love. I am constantly searching for new recipes to put my own spin on, I love my slow-cooker, and I love to improvise with semi-homemade versions when I can.

My challenges:
1) A picky two year old, who doesn't like meat, and only eats vegetables out of a can.
2) A picky forty-seven year old who thinks corn is a vegetable, and who works swing shift, so needs reheatable meals.
3) A picky six year old with food allergies, who wants to plan the menu, who visits us every other weekend.

Being a working mom, I don't get home until 5:30 or 6:00 each night, and my two year old usually wants to eat RIGHT NOW! I grew tired of trying to remember what I had in the fridge on my way home each night, so one of my New Year's Goals was to start planning meals before 5 pm every day. I have finally gotten into a weekly routine, and I am proud to say I have been sticking to it! This little bit of planning helps me prepare meals quicker (or even ahead of time) and spend less. I'm also attemting to try at least two new recipes each week, as well one healthy (or semi-healthy) dessert/snack.

I decided to start this blog as a way to chronicle my adventures as a wanna-be Betty Crocker/Susie Homemaker, and maybe learn some new tricks along the way. Thanks for visiting!

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