Tuesday, May 18, 2010

And the Award Goes To...


Wow, four awards in one week. I'm flattered that you all actually like visiting my little corner of the blog world, and that you actually stick around to read it!!

There's this one from Tricia at Lemons to Lemonade. She's honest and always makes me laugh. I love reading her blog. Thanks Tricia!

and this one from Lindsay at "When the Smoke Alarm Goes Off, Dinner's Ready!" How can you not smile when saying that blog title?

and this one, from Pandabox33, who has some really great photography on her blog.

The rules require me to share seven things about myself. So, at the risk of boring you with lame, random facts about me, here you go...

1. I absolutely love music, especially country, but my favorite song of all time is Guns ‘n Roses “Sweet Child of Mine," and I really have no idea why.

2. I believe “family” is the people you choose to surround yourself with, not necessarily the people you are related to.

3. I am probably one of the most opinionated people you will ever meet.

4. I love to fold warm laundry and wash dishes by hand in the sink. I find it soothing.

5. I get bored very easily and prefer to be out of the house.

6. I find a way to use sarcasm in just about every conversation at least once.

7. When I was little, my brother and his friends told me there were sharks in the deep end of my grandma’s pool. To this day, I cannot go into a pool alone, and refuse to go into the deep end even if there are people in the shallow end.

I could go on, because there are just SO many really interesting things about me (didn't believe #6, did you?), but I will let you go on with your lives now. Thanks for loving my little 'ol blog!


  1. lol, thanks for the laugh this morning =) I absolutely love folding laundry and washing dishes by hand too!! So nice to finally find someone who can relate and not think I belong in the looney bin ;-)

  2. You use sarcasm, never would have guessed that. I love the way you describe "family", I agree wholeheartedly!
    I do not share you love of folding warm laundry, I just don't like folding laundry at all. However, I agree with washing dishes by hand, it is relaxing and calming for me. My kids don't get this.
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Those are some really nice awards. Congratulations!

  4. I think we would get along just fine in real life :) Congrats on all those awards, you deserve them!


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