Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Springtime Through the Eyes of a Child

My son loves water. If there's a puddle, he will find it. If there is rain, he's running into it. I find him numerous times throughout the day "washing his hands" in the bathroom sink. Now that Spring has finally really sprung here in Southern California, I let him water the backyard with the garden hose. He was ecstatic!

He watered the roses.

He washed his car.

He tried to get Mommy. (watch out for the camera sweetie!!)

He watered the flowers outside his window.

He played and just reveled in the joy and freedom of a warm spring day.

Make sure to click on over and check out all of the beautiful spring pictures at:



  1. I don't know if it is just a boys thing but my boys LOOOOve water too. Sometimes I just give them a paint brush and a bucket of water and tell them to clean the driveway and they work on that for a long time. Well at least long enough for me to talk to my mom without interruption.

    Your little one is so cute.

  2. These pictures are so cute!! He is all boy isn't he??!

  3. I love that he washed his car! He is too cute!

  4. lol - I love the washing the car shot!

  5. I love that last one, he looks like he's having so much fun!

  6. Yay for kids and water and warm weather! Great job!

  7. Adorable pictures! I have many pics of my son watering at that age. He usually watered more cement than anything green, but he had fun.

  8. My daughter has been doing that same thing! The hose is like her favorite thing in the whole wide world. I don't find it quite as humorous though, not a big fan of icy water! :)

    I love that you let him just be a kid and enjoy it, looks like he had a blast!

  9. You've got to love how they can entertain themselves with a hose.

  10. That last one is so adorable! :) Yay for warm weather. :D

  11. Coming over from New Friend Friday. Great blog. I wish it would stay warm enough here in PA that my boys can play in water. Hopefully soon.

  12. What a great little helper! I'm your newest follower from NFF! Beth

  13. Here from new friend friday...having fun checking out all your great posts....and wishing our weather would warm up so my little one could enjoy some outside time too:)

  14. Found you on NFF! Hope to see you around!

  15. Awww those pictures are so cute! It looks like he had a great time with the water hose.

    I am visiting from New Friend Friday @ The Girl Creative! I was drawn in by your blog title because I am on a quest to learn how to be a good cook myself. I am now following you! I can't wait to hear great recipes and tips from someone who is good at cooking! Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

  16. Cute little boy you've got there!

    I'm your newest follower from New Friend Friday! Please check me out @

  17. what a cutie! I'm visiting from new friend friday!

  18. Oh my. These are so GREAT!!!! He looks like quite the little helper :D
    Loved 'em all.

  19. I love that picture of him watering the flowers outside his "window"! I enjoyed browsing through your blog and your muffin recipe looks yummy!!

    Now following you from New Friend Friday! Have a great weekend!

  20. Great pictures! LOVE the name of your blog!!! New follower from NFF!


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