Tuesday, May 11, 2010

When Mom's Not Looking...

Instead of my usual sweet, sappy posts about my son, and being a mom, I've decided to share with you what happens "When Mom's Not Looking..." (dun dun dun)

Last night, while I was in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner, the boy was in the playroom (which is just outside my kitchen windows). He was playing rather nicely and quietly, which I was grateful for, since I had much to do, and really didn't have time to be scolding him for his yelling and trouble-making. I should have known something was amiss, but I was happily living in a world where my little monster had turned into a quiet angel, even for just a few moments.

I finished up the dishes, and walked out to the playroom, and saw this:

"I change the truck's diaper, Mama!"

Cute, right? Now that's ingenuity!

Then he turned around to face me.

In case you're wondering, that's Desitin on his face. We had been in a hurry that morning, and I had absentmindedly left the diaper changing supplies in the playroom (Oops!). Apparently, he thought his face was a little rashy.

It was one of those Mommy moments, where I really should be disciplining, but all this Mommy wanted to do was laugh! So I told him to stay put. Then I went to get my camera. I couldn't help it! Sometimes, you just have to laugh.


  1. Not to sound too critical, but YOU were the one who did something wrong by accidentally leaving the diaper cream out. He was doing what he was supposed to be doing: exploring, playing, and getting into mischief! BTW, he does look adorable! I think running to get your camera was exactly the right thing to do. He'll be grown before you know it, so you need to capture these moments!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh don't worry Cheryl, I could've slapped myself for leaving it out! LOL Nonetheless, he knows that stuff is off limits. But, I figure this will be a great photo to show his future girlfriends!!!

  4. Haha...in moments like this..how can you not want to laugh. Hey check out my Post http://themamatrials.blogspot.com/2010/05/passing-on-love.html

  5. I always started to worry when the kids were quiet! I still do. Your son is very creative and through too. I agree that it is the perfect photo to show to future girlfriends, or at least threaten to show it.

  6. I think the more you laugh, the better! There are plenty of times for sorrow, discipline, and the hard stuff. Laugh when you can and appreciate every crazy moment. They grow up fast. My boy is now almost a man and it really did happen in a blink as they say!

    As a mama to boys, this just made me smile!

    Blessings to you...

  7. yes, that is moment to grab the camera and take a picture! :) aren't kids funny? Don't you wonder what he was thinking? "Hmmm... let's put this on my face!" so fun. thanks for sharing your post!

  8. Visiting via Wednesday's Walk from http://staceyplaisance.blogspot.com

  9. LOL! Ah kids.... they all get into things.

    Hope the truck felt better after its change!

    Thank you for sharing with us! :)

  10. These times are going to fly. You don't think about it, but I am so glad I stayed home while they were young. Now, my babies are already in 5th an 6th grade.

  11. Thanks so much for linking up to my blog hop! Have a great day!


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