Sunday, June 6, 2010

Meal Plan 6/6/10

So, here's what's on the menu for the coming week:

Sunday: Eat out or Take out
Monday: Grilled London Broil, Baked potatoes, salad
     I'm always afraid to try this cut of meat since it's usually so tough, but I found a marinade that I 
     think sounds promising...I'll let you know!)
Tuesday: Ground beef tacos/burritos
Wednesday: Oven Baked Turkey and Cheddar sandwiches (a variation of my roast beef & cheese sandwiches I posted yesterday)
Thursday: Baked Tilapia, sticky rice, steamed aspragus
Friday:  Spaghetti, Salad and Bread
Saturday: Grilled chicken, corn, french fries, fruit


  1. Thanks for sharing the sandwich recipe yesterday. We have VBS this week so it will make a great quick dinner! On the london broil, tenderize it well with a mallet and make sure to cut against the grain and you should end up with a great piece of meat!

  2. I can't wait to start making dinner menus again once my husband gets back from his deployment! (I'm sure it will get old fast though!:)

    P.s. I'm new to your blog, love it so far! Looking forward to reading more!

  3. Thanks for the comments on my blog!! Awesome that we like the same music...and have the same anal retentiveness when it comes to unwanted facial hair...hahaha
    I have an award for you =)
    Check out the post here


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