Friday, June 11, 2010


Friday has come at last! This weekend is another jam packed one...Lil G will be here and we're going swimming Saturday morning, and taking her to see Shrek Saturday afternoon while the boy naps at Grandma's. Not to mention the numerous errands, laundry, grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning that will be going on! And perhaps some alone time with the man? He's taken all next week off for his son's graduation and post-grad party, and has some big plans to do some major cleaning around here (the garage may actually get organized!). But that also means that he will be home at nights and I will get some quality time with him. Color me excited! :)

Here's another addition of Five Question Friday:

1. What do you think makes a good friend, or friendship?
Anyone who will put up with me is a good friend! But seriously, a good friendship is based on trust, like any relationship. You have to trust that they care for you, trust that they have your best interests at heart, trust that they like you for who you are, and I could go on...but I won't.

I have a friend who I have know for 20 years (which really makes me feel old). We met in eighth grade and were instant friends. She knows literally everything about me, and I her. And she doesn't hold it against me! I can tell her exactly what I'm feeling, even the really bad stuff, without holding anything back, and she can tell me exactly what she thinks about it, no holds barred. No judgment. That's a true friend.

She's Cooper's godmother, and he loves her too.

2. What is the last thing you bought & later regretted?
I am the return queen. I'm the reason all these stores have implemented their new stricter return policies. C'mon, it's not easy shopping with a two year old! So technically I guess I don' thave regrets - I just return it!

3. Have you ever had a prank played on you?
I can't really think of anything specific. I think people know better.

4. What is your favorite theme park?
We live five minutes from Disneyland, and for goodness sakes it's the happiest place on earth! These photos all happen to have been taken on the same day, but we have passes and go at least once a month. My first trip was at four months. The Boy's was at two and a half months.

5. Have you ever seen someone else give birth?
Numerous times. But it was on TV, so I don't think it was real.

Have a great weekend everybody!!


  1. I am a return junkie too =) Have a great weekend!!

  2. Oh, I feel you, I have the worst case of buyer's remorse ever--I always think it is great in the store and then see it cheaper, or don't need it.

  3. Following you back!
    P.S such cute pics!

  4. I saw Shrek and thought it was really cute! I hope y'all enjoy it! Happy weekend!!

    : )

  5. Hey...thanks for stopping by my blog! I hope your garage gets cleaned this weekend! :)

  6. Man how cool would that to live 5 min. from Disneyland! I've never been....someday I'm sure.
    Great pictures!
    That cake sounds so good and how easy is that?

  7. My new strategy is to just buy it, try it on at home, and then take it back if it doesn't work. I follow this philosophy even when my 3 kids aren't with me. Its just much easier most times.

    I'm a new follower from New Friend Friday. I love the name of your blog.

  8. this was my first week with 5?F...I like your post, I like your blog, and I am loving the whoopie pie recipe.(well haven't made them yet, but will) I only ever had them once, and the filling didn't taste marshmallow-ey.

    so are all whoopie pies made with the same kind of filling?

    I used to be a HUGE cook, Baker and I deal with several disabilities, so it is limited...but I would like to try and make these...I am now a follower of your blog.

    Enjoyed your pictures also :)



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