Wednesday, June 23, 2010

These Little Legs

These little legs are starting preschool on Monday. *sigh*

They will be
and jumping,
and climbing,
and riding bikes,
and sitting criss-cross-applesauce at Circle Time.


And this mommy will be crying.


My saving grace is that now he'll be near me all day - since I work at a church with a preschool, that's where he'll be going. Most parents drop their kids off at preschool and have no idea what they do all day. I'm going to have a bird's eye view. And that makes me happy. *smile*

You Capture


  1. Oh how exciting for your little man. I can imagine it would ve hard for most parents but you are very lucky you still get to see him. Such a fun experience. :) thanks for sharing! Happy Wednsday :)

  2. You'll both do great! And all of those new things to see and do will wear him out so much, that bedtime should be a breeze!

  3. Awww what an awesome photo!! Way to "get down low" =)

  4. Aww...preschool! My middle one just finished preschool, and I'm soooo sad. I'll miss those wonderful preschool days. Good thing I'll get to start all over in a couple years with my youngest. :-) Great photo!

  5. I hear ya! I'm pre-crying for my son who will be gone from me for the first time in both our lives every day all day starting in the fall. Whaaaa!

    Thanks for the compliment on the grocery haul post too!

  6. You will be fine and so will he! I love your photo though...and totally understand the need to cry. They grow up WAY too fast.

  7. Beautiful blog!!

    I know, I did not expect motherhood to turn me into such a mush ball. But that's part of the fun, isn't it? :)

  8. I love this shot and the little story.

  9. Oh, a big step for those little legs. You will both be fine.

  10. little guy starts in the fall. :( cute shot!

  11. Doesn't the time just go so quickly... It is hard to take, isn't it?


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