Monday, July 5, 2010

"Baby Got Back" - Days of Summer, Day 3

Here's the third installment in my personal Days of Summer photo challenge. How could I not share this one?

I'm also linking up to Simplicity, because, as you can see, the photo is full of



  1. Hah, so cute. Dont you just love chalk, Jay can sit and play forever but its such a mess! I just make sure she is wearing old clothes.

  2. That song will be stuck in my head ALL day now!

  3. Oh i love this catch! So sweet... He was really busy :)

  4. great cuteness!

  5. LOVE this picture!! So adorable!! :)

  6. Fantastic shot. Haha. Thanks so much for linkin up.

  7. OMGosh... Kristin, I love your 30 days of Summer!!! So fun isn't it. I can't wait to get back to it and start taking more pictures again. This picture is just precious. Everything about it says Summer. Can't wait to see more of this collection :) xo


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