Thursday, July 1, 2010

Days of Summer - Day 1

I'm a copycat, and a follower. I'm taking a page out of Alysha's book and starting our own "30 Days of Summer" personal photo project.

Thirty days, thirty photos, documenting the summer of 2010. I tried Project 365, where you take a photo every day for a year, but it just didn't work for me, because like Alysha, the commitment was difficult. But capturing 30 days of our summer, 30 days of outdoor fun, lazy summer evenings, popsicle stained faces, water splashes, ocean waves, bug watching and BBQs, this I can do. Feel free to follow me on the journey.

Tonight was a lazy summer evening sort of night visiting the duck pond and looking for the babies.

Let's go find us some ducks!

Are they down there?

Maybe if I stick my head all the way through...

Let's go down for a closer look, shall we?


Closer, but still no ducks...

Where could they be?

Here they are!

One thing I love about raising my son in the city where I grew up is being able to take him to do the things I loved to do as a child. Like going to this very duck pond.


  1. Stopping by from NFF. Your blog is gorgeous!!! And these pictures are so well taken. What kind of camera do you use?

  2. i found your blog via new friend friday - the name was catchy, i can relate, to the BC-wannabe =)
    i ADORE the first shot of your son in this post - what a FANTASTIC angle!

  3. I remember when my boys were so small and curious.
    Still curious, but no longer small!

    Following from New Friend Fridays.

  4. I found you through New Friend Fridays and I'm so glad I did. These images are so charming and as we freeze away here in winter (I'm in Sydney) I'll be looking forward to 30 days of Summer! Following you now.

  5. oh my goodness.

    your blog is a complete gem!

    i can't wait to see what you post next!


    p.s. you pictures are gorgeous!

  6. I just wanted to stop by again and tell your I gave you an award! Please come by!


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