Saturday, July 17, 2010

Days of Summer - Day 6

We had a summer storm the other night.

We were visiting my mom in Yorba Linda (near the inland empire) to go to her pool with hopes of cooling off from this near 100 degree heat wave we've been having. We were not in the pool two minutes before the thunder started rumbling and the lightning crashing. Out of the pool we came, trying to explain to my almost three year old "why?" we had to get out of the pool.

He hasn't stopped talking about the thunder since!

Apparently the lightning caused some fires in the area, and the storm brought rain in some areas, even near the beaches (not too common here in So Cal for the summertime).

My favorite part, was that it brought a beautiful sunset with it.

I snapped this one real quick when we got home that night.


  1. What a beautiful sunset picture and I love your new blog header and look.

    Hope you find some relief from the heat soon. Since we don't have access to a pool, I just opt to stay in the AC as much as I can. :-)

  2. WOW that is a beautiful pic!!!! Love it!!

  3. Love it!!! I saw that beauty and somehow didn't manage to capture it like you did. Beautiful job! :)


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