Monday, September 27, 2010

Immortalized on Page 211

That's what Rick said when he finished reading my adoption story in the recently published book "From the Heart: Stories From the Front Lines of Parenting."

I was so thrilled and honored to be a part of this amazing compilation of unique stories, written by real parents. I was not only able to share my own, very real, story, but also the difficult and rewarding journey of adoption.

For more information, or to purchase the book, click here. All proceeds benefit children's charities.


  1. How cool is that???!!!

  2. That's very cool.. a beautiful story!

  3. Congratulations! Won't it be special to share this book with Cooper one day and his kids one day?

  4. Very cool PK, what a gift for Cooper to know the beauty of his mama.


  5. Congratulations, Kristin! That's fantastic. What a thrill for you.

    I sent you a message the other day... if you didn't get it, there's a little something for you in this post:


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