Thursday, October 7, 2010

Grandma-To-Be Party Planning

A good friend of mine is about to become a grandma for the first time. She has been an amazing grandma/mom figure to so many, including my son, and has helped me in more ways than I can count. Another friend and I decided that since she has done so much for us, and for our kids, that we should do something for her. Hence, the Grandma-To-Be Party!

Thing is, there's not a lot of party planning ideas for this kind of party out there in cyber space. It's a shame because I would have loved if someone had thrown a party like this for my mom. After all, the role of Grandma is second only to the role of parent, and should be celebrated!

I thought I'd share with you what we have come up with so far...

The Theme: "To Grandmother's House We Go..." (Little Red Riding Hood)

Decor: red & white gingham with touches of aqua and a little bit of burlap, Greens and twigs in vases

The Invitation (designed by me):
I'm also designing cupcake toppers, banners and more.

The Food: Lots of baked goods (pies, cookies, cupcakes). My co-host is starting a cake/cupcake business, so we'll be set! Other goodies will include sandwiches, fruit and salads.

Party Favors: Little baskets with chocolates or homemade cookies like this:

I'll share more of the details as the party gets closer.

So what do you think? Do you have any other ideas?


  1. Will you be my own personal party planner???

  2. Great stuff PK!!!

    I love the invites!!


  3. You are so creative! I love the invitation and "goodies" basket!! I can't wait to see more pictures of what you have planned!


  4. This is really creative & adorable, Kristin. Love the color theme, and that invitation is so cute. Such a thoughtful idea.

  5. OMG That is so cute! And you have so many great ideas. I'm really impressed. Following from Friend Finding Friday.


  6. What a wonderful idea! I love the card and party favors. You are very creative.

  7. What a great Idea!!!! Thanks for sharing and linking up to FFF. Hope you are having a great weekend.

    xo, Alysha

    p.s. Lana said something about us getting together... I hope we can. I would love to finally meet you girls face to face :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I love this idea!!

    Thanks for sharing!



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