Wednesday, December 8, 2010

In desperate need...

of a blogging break.

I've had grand ideas about posting photos of our Christmas tree, ...but I just don't have the energy right now. Between broken appliances (three to be exact), preparing for a remodel of our enclosed patio, and hosting two parties this week alone, I'm wiped out! I promise I will be back soon...with more decorations, a few crafts, maybe a printable or two, and some new recipes.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the comment love on my Christmas Word Tree printable!!! I'm blown away by the response, and by the near 50 new followers that seem to have appeared overnight! Welcome, and thank you for sharing in my little piece of the internet.

See you reeeal soon!


  1. thank you for posting the printables!

  2. take your break honey. We will be here when you get back :) Get some rest!

  3. We all need a break sometime. It's a busy time of year. Hope you are doing well, look forward to hearing from you when are you back!!


  4. Take a break, I know I sure need one quite often. My husband will attest to that as he hears my constant whining about needing a break and he make me take a break.

    We will all be here when you return.


  5. Good Idea, You are extra busy at
    home with littlies! We are all a
    little BUSY!!!! Look forward to
    you feeling a little more relaxed.
    Don't try to do everything, just
    take one day at a time and most
    of all ENJOY.
    Many best wishes for a beautifully
    festive time,

  6. Thank you, Kristin, for the Christmas Tree printable and I LOVE your count down to Christmas idea of wrapping the books!
    I'm going to remember this for next year for school and I will pass the idea on to my sister and brother who still have small children!
    Blessings to you... enjoy your time catching up. I'll be doing the same all week!
    'Nice to meet you.'

  7. I'll miss you. Sigh. Gulp. Sniffle. If you're going to take a break from reading blogs let me know...because I might be posting something on my blog you will really want to know. :)

  8. Yes, I read this one. You share amazing pictures for Christmas trees in your next blog. Hope you will share more good updates. Now it's time to avail water bottle for more information.


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