Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Mr. Wonderful

Let me tell you a bit about my Mr. Wonderful...

Rick and his ex vowed when they separated, to remain in each other's lives and to co-parent, because they felt it was the best way to achieve some normalcy for their children. And they did, and it was. Even though they both have new relationships, they have continued to strive for the same sort of normalcy, and their children are, as their mom puts it, winners. The best part is that we all get along, all four of the adults in these children's lives, and that is a tribute to the strengths of their parents.

Almost any man can father a child, but some never fully understand what it means to be a Dad. Rick loves his children fiercely, and has their best interests at heart all of the time. While he may not live in the same house, or see them every day, he stays on top of what is going on in their lives. He loves his children the most, and it's evident every single day. He is always taking advantage of those "teachable moments," sometimes in unconventional ways. The pride he has radiates from his smile, he is heart broken when they are apart, and when his daughter goes home after a weekend with us, he misses her before she's even gone. His love for and commitment to his children is something I strive for as a parent.

Chris, Rick's son, just graduated from High School, and Rick was sharing with me some of the sadness at that time being over with, but that he feels secure knowing that he gave his son the best childhood he could, and how he put all he had into molding him to be a good person and teaching him right from wrong. He grieved a bit, as I'm sure most parents do, but he stayed positive saying, "now it's on to molding Gracie...and Cooper."

Rick was there for me through one failed adoption and has been with me since day one of bringing my Cooper home. I don't know if I can ever express truly what a blessing and gift from God Rick is to my son's life. I had no worries adopting as a single mom, expecting that my child would have positive male role models in my father, and in my brother-in-law and teenage nephews. Life took some unexpected turns, and Rick has effortlessly taken a positive place in Cooper's life. He has become the role model Cooper needs, even though he didn't have to be. My son will benefit from his wisdom, his humor, his honesty, his ethics, and his love.

Not only is he an incredible father, but partner to me as well. He is the Shrek to my Fiona...saving me, helping and encouraging me to be my most true self. As I shared in the story of how we met, we have had some struggles, but I believe with all my heart that God blessed my life by bringing this man into it.

He has seen me at my worst, and stuck by me. He’s suffered through my issues with trust, and has healed my broken heart. He has wiped my tears of self doubt, held me through the heartache of letting go, and rejoiced with me in times of triumph. He is kind, confident, brutally honest, hard working, funny, independent, secretly compassionate, knows how to be silly, and is the smartest man I know. He is my best friend ~ he accepts me, all of me, for who I am, and I love him for it. He has supported me and cared for me and I am so deeply and endlessly grateful to have him in my life.

Happy Father's Day Honey ~ YOU are my WONDERFUL!

(Join the "Mr. Wonderfulest" Contest at My Little Life.)


  1. That is such a sweet post. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Awwww, he sure does sound wonderful!!!

  3. Oh, and I just happened to notice on your blog that you have my old link... I changed the web address and blog title, to make it just a little safer for our family. I tried to find your email but I can't find it =(
    Here's the new one:
    Kelli @ Sovereignly Sustaining Sanity

  4. Hi, just stopping by from Mama M's.

    So sweet! I think it's amazing when parents can be friends and still able to effectively parent even when they aren't together. As the child of divorced parents who didn't get along so well, you will never know how much this means to them. What a fabulous man you've got!

  5. As a child of divorce, I think it is wonderful when everyone can get along for the sake of the children and co-parent. I'm so glad you found your Mr. Wonderful.

  6. wow... you have an awesome partner Kristin! I really don't think you could ask for a better man. Thanks for sharing. :)

  7.! What a great post! Rick sounds like an amazing father!

  8. I'm your newest follower. Please follow me back at

    <3 Jess


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