Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas You Guys

I'm busy getting ready for Christmas, baking cheesecake (by request), Sugar Cookies (by request), making Rice Krispie treats, and just getting our house ready for the big day. In the midst of that, I wanted to post a few pictures of what's been going on in our house this holiday season, and I'm going to cram it all into one post!

~ Christmas At Disneyland ~

First up, our annual Christmas trip to Disneyland, and our annual photo in front of Sleeping Beauty's Castle.

Next stop ~ SANTA!

(Santa liked Cooper's hat)

Disneyland has the best Santa, and they don't shoo you out if you want to take extra pictures.
Cooper told Santa he wants a trash can for Christmas.

He meant a trash truck - Stinky, actually. I have it on good authority that Santa has one of these in his sleigh on it's way to our house.

We watched the Very Merry Christmas Parade.

Toy Soldiers are one of my favorite parts of this parade.

After the parade, we made our way to the castle to watch it light up, and then to Main Street for the fireworks and snow.

Disneyland really is one of the best places to be at Christmastime. It's truly magical.

And exhausting.

~ Christmas at Home ~

This month, I've cut back on the blogging, in an effort to spend more time with my family, and we've been having lots of fun!

We played Santa.

He asked his stuffed animals what they wanted for Christmas, 
then told them to say cheese, while I took their picture.

We donated a toy to Spark of Love Toy Drive at our local Fire Station, and Cooper got a tour of the garage where they keep the big trucks. The fireman and paramedic who showed us around were AWESOME!

We watched Cooper sing in his first Christmas Program,

He's the curly haired blonde in the middle :)

baked cookies,

and posed for photos in our new jammies.

Cooper & Gracie (Rick's daughter) in their new matching jammies.

By the way, when you're finished reading this post, head over to Gracie's Mommy's blog Salvage Dior, and wish her a Merry Christmas. Take a moment to look around and read her story. She's an amazingly strong lady, and I'm blessed to call her friend.

~ Christmas Traditions ~

We started some new traditions this year, like Christmas Countdown Books, and opening up a new ornament on the day after Thanksgiving, so we can enjoy it for the whole season. We're continuing the tradition of fish on Christmas Eve, and Prim Rib & Twice Baked Potatoes on Christmas Day (YUM!).

One of my favorite Christmas traditions from my childhood was when my mom and I would bake cookies and watch the John Denver & The Muppets Christmas special.

I will leave you with my favorite scene from the special ~ "Stille Nacht." It's absolutely beautiful, and they sing it in German, which is the way I learned it when I was very young. I remember attending Christmas Eve services with my grandparents, and, being the good Germans that they are, when it came to the part of the service where we sang Silent Night, they always sang in German. Quietly, but nonetheless in their native language. Anytime, I hear the song, I can't help but sing in German as well.

(be sure to turn off the music at the bottom of the page)

May your Christmas be a magical time of year, full of friends, family, good food, and wonderful traditions. May you feel the wonder and joy of that first Christmas day, and may the blessings of peace, love and health be yours in the New Year. We'll see you in 2011!

Merry Christmas you guys!!!


  1. Merry Christmas to you and your family too! Looks like you've been very busy.

  2. The castle looks amazing all lit up! Love all of the traditions you have started with your family. :)

  3. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Kristin!

  4. A friend of mine and her family went to Disney World this year for Christmas.
    I enjoyed the photos.

    I just love Cooper's hair.
    One of our son's has hair like Cooper, except his hair is brownish-red.
    Went he lets it grow out I just love to bounce my hand on his curls. LOL

    The matching jammies are adorable.

    Merry Christmas!

  5. What a wonderful time of celebrating! Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  6. Glad to see that you are making great memories with Cooper! Great traditions! I wish we could enjoy Disney like y'all! Merry Christmas!

  7. Hope you had a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year!


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