Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Has Come At Last!

The Girl Creative

I'm joining the party over at The Girl Creative today for New Friend Friday.

I've only had this blog for a week, and already I've met some pretty incredible ladies! It's great to find women with similar interests, and the same joys and stresses that we all share as moms. There are some pretty creative ladies out there too...not here, of course, but they are out there! I'm having fun linking up to these parties and just finding new blogs to read and get ideas from. I hope you enjoy visiting my little corner of the web universe, and will come back soon! I will be sharing more recipes, stories, tales of woe, and maybe a craft or two. Ha, got you on that last one didn't I?


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging!:)

    Following from New Friend Friday!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Visting from New Friend Friday as well! Hope you have a great weekend.
    Happy Blogging!

  3. Happy UBP 2010! Great blog!! I love your weekly meals.

  4. I'm your newest follower from New Friend Friday at The Girl Creative. I love you blog. Can't wait to read more.


  5. Happy New Friend Friday! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm so jealous you got to hear Dick Van Dyke speak, I would so love to hear him speak in person (or even get to meet him).

    I'm a new follower!! Have a great weekend!


  6. Hello Dear, your blog is so cute!
    I am following you from New friend Follow, come follow me back
    Gros bisous

  7. Okay it is not Friday but I am stopping by from New Friend Friday! Love your blog!

  8. Hi Kristin. I was going to say that I thank you for your nice post and I will be following you too ( all of which are true ), but as I doubled back to reread your post on my page I saw that you are from Garden Grove. I don't know why this should surprise me so much, but it really is a small world as I grew up there myself (I now reside in Idaho). I grew up on Shannon St. which is off of Brookhurst between Chapman and Katella, I think I got all those right cuz it's been a lot of years. Wow, I can't believe the rush of memories I just had in the last few minutes. Anyway, sorry about the long post I just have to add that your son is absolutely adorable. Take care and God Bless.

  9. I am a new blogger also. I started in January and have had a blast. You will 'meet' so many new friends. Have Fun!


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