Saturday, April 17, 2010

Not Every Recipe Is a Good One

Wanting to eat healthy is a good thing, right?

Nod your head, smile.

Unfortunately, not every healthy recipe you may find, is a good one!

I found this recipe last night while trying to figure out what to do with the three bananas that were turning brown on my kitchen counter. I thought it sounded good, and the best part (since we're TRYING to be more health conscious) was that it had no sugar, no butter/oil, and no eggs. Sound tempting?

Now before you turn away, I must say that it actually did taste good. The consistency was not that of a normal "bread," (it was very moist and chewy). I let it go five minutes past the suggested time, but was afraid it would burn the top.

Anyway, here's the recipe. I might try and add a little more flour next time, and I would definitely puree the banana instead of mashing it. Like I said, the taste was good, so if you have any suggestions on how to improve the texture, I'm all ears!

(Healthy) Banana-Applesauce Bread
3 bananas (mashed with a fork)
1/4 cup applesauce
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup water
2 cups flour
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder

Mix all ingredients together.

As you can see, I sorta mashed the banana, but figured I would just use my hand mixer and it would be ok. Typicall, I would get out my blender, add a little of the liquid, and puree. But I was being lazy. I think that would have really helped.

Next, pour into the prepared (sprayed with Pam) loaf pan.

Bake at 350 degrees for one hour. I actually added five minutes (not on purpose, I was busy).

Here's what it looked like when it came out of the oven:

And here's what it looked like after I let it cool for ten minutes, then took it out of the pan:

Oops! It fell a bit. But, still sorta tasty! :)

Here's what I would do differently:
1) Puree the banana, with a little of the water, in the blender till smooth.
2) Mix with a spoon, not a hand mixer.
3) Add maybe a 1/4 cup more flour.
4) Cook a tad bit longer.

If you have any suggestions on how to make this a better recipe, I'd love to hear it!


  1. This sounds really good to me. But then again anything with flour in it sounds good to me since I have been cutting it out of my diet. I may still have to make it though

  2. Okay it is not Friday but I am stopping by from New Friend Friday! Love your blog! Read about your adoption process. We serve a good God!

  3. Kristin, you are right, it is a nice distraction. I have a message that you left me a message and I accepted it, but it hasn't shown up yet. I don't know if I did the Friends Connect right, I think I did, I'll let you know as soon as I get it. Thanks


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