Monday, April 26, 2010

Mono Monday - Toe Rings

Alysha, aka Supermom, has started a new blog party, called Mono Monday, with a weekly Black & White photo challenge. The theme for the first week is "You." The idea is for you to get to know ME a little better. There have been other pictures of me on my blog (just look in the top right corner), so I thought I'd get a little creative. This photo may give you a little insight into who I am...

I don't wear a lot of jewelry. I'm not a fan of chunky bracelets or big hoop earrings, and necklaces just bug the heck out of me. But the jewelry I do wear, has meaning. Like the toe-rings you see in the photo. My boyfriend teases me about my toe rings. I love them and think they look darn adorable, but aside from that, are the memories attached to them.

The rings on my right foot, I got in Hawaii about 10 years ago, when we were there for my brother's wedding. It was the last family trip we took together before my dad got sick, and it was a wonderful time of family togetherness. My dad died two years ago, and I think about him and that trip every time I look down.

The ring on my left foot, I got at a Fair the summer I met my BF. It was our fourth date. We held hands for the first time (yup we took it sloooow). Things changed for us in our relationship that night (get your mind out of the gutter), and I smile every time I think about it. :)

Well, there's just a little peek into me. Thanks for visiting my little corner of the blogosphere. Take a look around and let me know if you like what you see. But don't forget to hop on over to Mono Monday and see what others are sharing!

'Til next time...


  1. Cute photo and a really lovely story behind it. Thank you for sharing!

  2. I LOVE your toe rings and the stories behind them! precious!

    oh, and the photo is really good too :-)

  3. What a cute picture! I love the creativeness and I love the story behind the rings too :)
    Glad I found your blog :)

  4. Dont you just love those little pieces that remind you of great times in our lives! creative picture and I love that you posted a story behind it.

  5. So great. Love the story behind your photo which makes up you. Your creativity is so inspiring. Thanks for linking up and joining Mono Monday! I look forward to seeing what you capture through your lens :)

  6. Hi there!
    I was just reading your adoption story. I admire your courage.
    "There is a reason for everything."


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