Saturday, April 24, 2010

My To-Do List Progress: Repurposed Dresser turned Buffet

I have been working on slimming down my to-do list. I haven't had too much success, but the little that has been done, I am happy with! I will apologize in advance for the lighting...we don't get much natural light in the kitchen, and the boy was napping when I took photos of his room. Anywho...

This week, we moved the boy's old dresser/changing table into the kitchen to be repurposed as a "buffet" for some additional storage in our little kitchen nook.

Here's the befores:

The dresser in the boy's room

The breakfast nook:

To be fair, we have never had breakfast at this table.

And the afters...

Our repurposed buffet:

I switched out the wooden knobs for Anthropogie-ish ones that I picked up from Home Depot ($4 a piece compared to $10 at Anthro),

and used a long strip of burlap as a runner.

I shopped the house and put together some vignettes of the things I love (it's a work in progress). This photo was taken on a day that holds  very special memories. It's one of my favorite photos of us.

And how cool is this stool?

Since we removed the table, we needed something in the kitchen for seating. My friend has a booth at an antique mall, so I sent her some pics of what I was looking for. When that was running upwards of $120, she found this, for just $35! I wanted something different, a nice contrast to all the wood in the room. I think my little metal stool fits perfectly!

The kid's room got it's reading nook.

The chair is from Pottery Barn Kids. It was a gift, but the slipcover was red, so I purchased a new green one. The Stitch artwork holds special meaning, and the sayings on the wall art are some of my favorite inspiration quotes for children.

I think I still want to get a rug or something for this corner, and maybe hang some cute little birdies from the ceiling, or maybe a tree on the wall. I don't know...what do you think?

Since we are lucky enough to have a huge enclosed patio/playroom (which I'm not going to show you - it's a mess), I just love that this is now the "Quiet Room" reserved for reading and sleeping. We recently transitioned to a big boy bed, and the room got a full make-over. I just love how it turned out, and the reading nook addition is the perfect final touch. I'll give a tour in another post soon.

So, how are we doing on the list?
  • Move the boy's dresser to the kitchen to repurpose as a "Buffet" for more storage.
    • Replace knobs
  • Organize, Sort, and Purge all of the cabinets in the pantry.
  • Move Tupperware from the Pantry to the Buffet.
  • Create a Reading Nook in the kids' room.
    • Get new slipcover for Cooper's chair
  • Organize, sort, and purge all three Hall Closets
  • Organize, sort, and purge Kitchen
  • Organize, sort, and purge Office (this one is the most scary, so it will probably be saved for last!)
  • Organize and purge digital photos onto a seperate hard-drive
  • Organize, Sort, and Purge Playroom
  • Paint Playroom cabinets and add kids handprints
  • New window treatments for playroom
  • Organize, Sort, and Purge Garage
  • Install new shelves in Garage
  • List items on Craigslist
Not bad for a week's work, right? This weekend, the pantry will be organized...or maybe not...I make no promises, except that I WILL take photos! It's going to be quite a feat, and worth showing off!!

'Til next time...



  1. Congratulations on completing your buffet! It looks great and I love the knobs.

    Doesn't it feel great to cross something off of your list?

  2. I moved a dresser into our dining room and use it as a buffet. It gave me so much room for storing linens and silverware.
    Yours look great!

  3. This Handmade Sandalwood Board/Pata for the frequently use in daily routine.sandalwood pata. You can esaily buy this.


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