Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My First Mother's Day

I found a new blog today - The Goodwin Family. Jenilee hosts a blog carnival every Wednesday called Wednesday's Walk, where bloggers can share their memories through photos with a Walk Down Memory Lane. I love to share stories, and I love to share my photos, so this is perfect for me!

If you have read My Adoption Story, you know my struggle to become a mother. For many years, Mother's Day was one of the most difficult days of the year. But then, my beautiful boy came into my life. After that, Mother's Day took on a whole new meaning. The slate was wiped clean, the sadness melted, and it became a day for me to celebrate!

My boyfriend is a photographer, and was just getting started a few years ago, when I asked him to take some photos of Cooper & me for my first Mother's Day. I thought I would share some of my favorites.



  1. What amazing pics and you can see the love in all of them. He is a cutie and thanx so much for sharing.
    Have a great day !!

  2. What great photos! You must have been so thrilled!

  3. I love these pictures. His expressions are priceless.

  4. Your little Cooper is a doll...and he sure looks happy in his mama's arms! Glad you found Jenilee's blog and joined in on Wednesday's Walk. It is fun to share memories.

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  5. Hi Kristin! what a cutie! and a sweet memory - that first mother's day is so precious! I am so glad that you found my blog and joined in for Wednesday's WAlk! hope to see you back next week. :) I love your blog title by the way. :)

  6. Your baby is so precious!! What a cute smile! He is sure to be a heart breaker one of these days!!


  7. Oh what an adorable baby! I love baby smiles :)

    I'm here from New Friend Friday. ...and I'm your newest follower. You have such a beautiful blog.

    ~ Sarah @ Sugar Bananas!

  8. Love those pictures! I loved reading your adoption story too.....I was adopted at 13 mos. old and it has always been a blessing in my life. I love that we have the same name, spelled the same way's not very often that I see that!


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