Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Vietnamese Style Chicken Noodle Soup

I am always on the hunt for new recipes, or ways to improve the old ones, and I love, comfort food. This recipe, I found over at Eat At Home. Tiffany has a great blog, full of awesome recipes and planning tips. I saved several of them, but this one just sounded so good I had to try it right away. It's a super simple variation on the old stand-by comfort food.

Vietnamese Style Chicken Noodle Soup

3 cups cooked chicken, cubed
2 quarts chicken broth
Salt and pepper
1-2 cloves garlic, crushed or minced
1 lb spaghetti, cooked
1-2 green onions, sliced
Soy Sauce
Hot Sauce

Bring the broth and garlic to a boil on the stove Turn down heat and add chicken. Add salt and pepper to your liking. Ladle the soup over the noodles in individual bowls. Each person can add their own soy sauce, hot sauce, and green onions.

My variations: I used about 2 heaping tablespoons of chopped garlic (because you can never have enough garlic), and added carrots as well, and boiled until they were cooked. For the chicken, I bought a fully cooked rotisserie chicken and shredded the meat, using half for the soup, and saving the other half for chicken enchiladas.

What's great about this for my family, is that I can add all the extras to mine, and they don't have to add it to theirs. My BF preferes more simple fare, and the boy likes onions, but doesn't like things too salty or spicy. So, this worked for all of us!

Doesn't this look fantastic? It was so good, and perfect for a rainy So Cal evening!

'Til next time...



  1. I agree, soups make great comfort food. Yours look beautiful.

  2. That does look yummy! I have a family of varying tastes too - this would be a great way for me to get the spice I love!

  3. Humm... that sounds like some yummy stuff. I like that you're using a lot of onion. ;-)

  4. Looks delish! Found you on New Friend Friday... love the blog!

    Katie P


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