Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wednesday's Walk - October 2

My Cooper came home in November of 2007. Thanksgiving that year was amazing, full of family, love and joy at this new arrival. My dad, who had been very sick for several years, had a great day, and was so excited to meet his grandson, who was just ten weeks old. My dad died just five weeks later.

Cooper with Grandpa & Gram on Day 1

Fast forward to September of 2008. I was preparing to sign adoption papers, to finalize Cooper's adoption. The attorney called me to set up a time for the court finalization. The day it would all be official. No more court dates. No more Social Worker visits. No more sitting on pins and needles waiting, hoping, praying. She told me I could request a date that would work for us, or that was significant to me. Her exact words were, "If you wanted, say, October 2, we could ask for that." My heart skipped a beat, and I felt my face get hot, as tears filled my eyes.

October 2 was my dad's birthday.

My dad and me on his birthday10 years ago.

I slowly asked her why she mentioned that date. She told me it was her son's birthday. I said, "That's the day I want. That was my dad's birthday and he died shortly after meeting Cooper."

The Attorney was quiet for a moment, then said, "I'll do everything I can to request that date."

Grandpa & Cooper watching Ducks Hockey

A few weeks later, I received a letter in the mail, stating that our court date was indeed scheduled for October 2. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. This would be the first birthday since he died, and what could have been a day to mourn, became a day to dance. I couldn't think of a more perfect way to honor my dad.

On October 2, I cried again, as the judge said that he was mine. Forever mine. I cried happy tears for us, and for my dad, who I know was with us that day. We'll celebrate that day every year, and it will not only be about how we became a family, but about sharing with Cooper about his Grandpa, and how much he loved him.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die...a time to mourn and a time to dance..." Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

I hope you enjoyed my emotional little Walk down Memory Lane. Be sure to visit The Goodwin Family blog and see what others are sharing for Wednesday's Walk.



  1. wow... how amazing is that. so glad that date was available and what a precious memory to add to that precious day. I got emotional with you! :)

  2. What a beautiful story and I know you will always cherish those pictures! This choked me up, but made me smile, too=).

  3. LOVE YOUR BLOG...your story was so precious. It made me cry. How sweet to see those pics. too. I know I told you last week, but I was adopted too, and your story just reminds me of my parents' love...thank you for sharing. (I hope you tell him these stories when he gets bigger...I always loved hearing mine! :)

  4. Wow! That story had me choked up! I'm so glad your dad got to meet Cooper. My mom died when my girl was 8 weeks old. Considering that my daughter came 6 weeks early, it was kind of a miracle.

    Gotta go get some kleenex now.

  5. what a sweet post the connection you have with your child and your dad is very sweet

  6. wow. That was just beautiful. I was completely engrossed in the story that I almost forgot I was reading a blog! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Wonderful...God is so good and kind.

  8. As an adoptive mom myself, I am not amazed at all that God worked all those details out for your little Cooper! He did that for our girls as well. Regardless, it is so precious to see and know that our God cares enough about each of us to give little pieces of peace along the journey to becoming a family. So glad you have that lovely connection with your dad for cooper. thank you for sharing. What a mighty God we serve!

  9. What a wonderful story and God is so good. Thanx for sharing it.
    Have a great Wednesday.

  10. What a sweet sweet story! I think it's so cool how God worked those dates out in a way to show you and your family that He intimately cares about each of you!

  11. Beautiful post. Totally teared me up! :) What a wonderful way to be able to celebrate your dad and new beginnings every year.

  12. This was a lovely story...and a reminder of how God works all things together for our good.

    Oct. 2nd was my mom's birthday and she has been in heaven for many years...but now I have a son-in-law with that birthday and so when we celebrate his day I always think of my mom too! God is so Good!

    I am late linking up today. Hop on over for a visit.

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits


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