Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Top Two Tuesday - Summertime!

I'm participating in The Undomestic Mama's Top 2 Tuesday. Won't you hop on over and check the other great blogs, and maybe make a friend of two?

Top two favorite things about SUMMER:

I love Backyard BBQs. Everyone is relaxed, enjoying great food and getting to play outdoors, enjoying the beautiful Southern California sunshine. We'll pretty much throw anything on the grill...sausage, tri-tip, ribs, chicken, potatoes, garlic bread. you name it, we'll figure out a way to grill it.

And let's not forget the S'Mores...

The other thing I love about summer, is family vacations. Every August when I was a kid, my family would take a vacation...sometimes it was just a quick trip to the desert city of Palm Springs, other trips included Hawaii, Florida, Arizona and Washington. I'm continuing that tradition with my own family.

This summer we're heading to Sea World, with the whol fan-damily! Wish me luck!!!

Thanks for visiting; grab a cold drink and take some time to look around. Let me know if you like what you see!

'Til next time...



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