Thursday, May 27, 2010

Channeling Supernanny, Day 2

8:23 pm Lights out
8:23-8:32 pm Laughing, giggling, talking, hanging off the bed and trying to fling himself over the railing.
8:32-8:40 pm Lots of rolling around, kicking at the wall, talking to himself.
8:40-8:48 pm Some rolling around, legs up on the railing, but quiet.
8:48 pm HE'S ASLEEP!!!

Count the minutes, all 25 of them! I can't believe it went so much quicker than the previous night. I did change our bedtime routine slightly, and I think that may have helped a little. So, going to sleep, much better! Sleeping all night...notsomuch...

Up at 11:30, 2 am and 4 am...still went right back to sleep thankfully, which is half the battle. Grrr...then I had a bad dream and woke at 5:45 am. So, um, I think that's about four hours of sleep for me last night. I just wish I could figure out what keeps waking him up. It's frustrating thinking that something might be going on with him and he just can't tell me...

In other news, today we went to visit his new preschool! Can't believe my baby will be starting preschool in the summer!!! More about that to come...


  1. Sounds like you guys had another successful night. I am sure it will only get easier and easier. Just stay strong :) By the way I tagged you on my blog today :)

  2. Great news that he went to sleep sooner. Hopefully you can pinpoint what keeps waking him up.

    Good luck tonight! Sounds like you may need a nap real soon.

  3. Hi, my little man is starting preschool in September too and I took him to his induction yesterday, he's usually so confident but was stuck to me like glue!! P.S following you from New Friend Friday! Hope you have a great weekend, please follow my blog too Thanks x Lois x


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