Friday, May 28, 2010

Sleep Deprivation Relief!

I am cautiously optimistic today...I slept almost seven hours straight! Aside from the times that I woke up waiting to hear the boy getting out of bed, I slept good! And so did he!! Our nighttime routine went well, lights were out at 8:10 and he was asleep by 8:30. He slept until just after 6 am this morning. I'm not getting too excited, because this has happened before and we've gone right back to the "old" routine, but I feel like this is progress!

Of course, he's coming down with a cold, so it may be short lived fact we're going to the Dr. today...but it's progress!

Tonight will be iffy since Lil G will be here (Rick's daughter) and they share a room. Send me your good sleep mojo...


  1. BEAUTIFUL photos!

    New follower from New Friend Friday- please follow me back at a

    Happy Friday!!

  2. Good luck with the sleeping! My kids are 9 and 11 now, but I remember those nights well :) Hope things went well at the doctors. Looking forward to exploring your blog more.

  3. Good luck! I remember when I got married only to find out that my husband snored like a freight train. I was sleep deprived for 6 months, until I finally bought earplugs. Talk about a grumpy 6 months!

  4. Sending you good sleep mojo!

    I have an award for you, so stop by Lemons to Lemonade when you can.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Sounds like you're doing a great job so far! :)
    Hey I left you something on my blog :)

  6. Hope you had a restful weekend!!


  7. Progress is progress! Woohoo. Hopefully it will become a trend. Good luck at the doctors, hope all is well!


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