Thursday, May 13, 2010

This is What Motherhood is All About

I loved books when I was a kid. I loved to read, I loved to be read to. I was taught this love by my mother, who to this day is an avid reader. I was too, still am, I guess, although now my repertoire of reading material includes such titles as "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish," and "Are You My Mother?"

Well apparently, my love of reading has rubbed off onto my son. He has started "reading" to me.

It goes something like this:
"There's the baby bird. There's the cat. There's the dog. There's the cow. There's the car. There's the BOAT!" (for some reason, the boat is always the best part) "There's the plane. There's the SNORT!" (said with almost as much enthusiam as 'boat') "And there's the Mama! The end!"

I've heard this every night for about a week now. I don't think I could ever get tired of it; it warms my heart every time. After all, this is what motherhod is all about.


  1. Awww! I loved reading thru your blog! I look forward to getting to know you more! It's such a blessing to meet other mothers who are so in love with their children!!!

  2. That's great that he loves "reading" so much! What a gift! My daughter always loved books and was an early reader! They're her favorite things.

  3. How sweet! That is great that he is so into reading! I wish my daughter would sit still long enough to get into books. LOL

    New follower from New Friend Friday! Have a great day!

  4. That is too cute! I just love Dr. Seuss.
    Don't you just love kid version of stories :)

  5. I read alot of Dr Seuss to my oldest ,I get
    the dvd for the younger ones(I am a tired mommy!)
    I am glad to see a mommy sharing her love of reading! found you on New Friend Friday.
    when you you get a chance stop by

  6. I can relate! My Momma instilled a love of reading in me too and now both of our girls love to read. It's a real blessing to us to see them curled up with their nose in a book! Great post. What a handsome young man. :)

  7. I love reading to my little one (2 years old). Although it usually has to be a short book or else she loses interest :-(

    Found you on New Friend Friday.

  8. sweet pictures. :)

    Can you send me your address so that I can ship your book? You are going to like it! I just finished reading my copy and enjoyed it! :)

  9. Are You My Mother was one of my fav Dr. Seuss books! That one, as well as And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street".


    Happy Friday!!


  10. Hi you won an award!
    check it out!

  11. I used to love it when my kids read to me. Too cute!

    I have a Sunshine Award for you. Stop by and pick it up when you have a chance.

  12. oh my... what a precious post. That is true motherhood and I have to say you have inspired to a different degree. I can't wait till my little one reads to me. Happy Monday!!!


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