Wednesday, May 12, 2010

When Life Hands You Lemons

I have a huge lemon tree in my backyard that is currently FULL of lemons.

Cooper loves to collect them so the other day, we went out and picked about 35 lemons off of the tree.

Cooper stood at the sink for about 15 minutes, rinsing them off.

Lemons anyone?

Linking up to this week's You Capture: Yellow Challenge at I Should Be Folding Laundry.


  1. I would love a lemon tree! Great shots, your son is so cute!

  2. Wow. How fantastic to have a lemon tree. They are stunning. And so is your sweet little helper. How cute is he?

  3. Oh, I'm jealous of all those lemons!

  4. I love lemons! We planted a lemon tree last year but it got some kind of mildew and died. I'm glad your tree is so prolific!

  5. Oh I like the story you tell with the pictures and Coopers grin is just adorable... I have a Cooper too, he is a puppy though.

  6. A lemon tree! You're so lucky! And your little guy is absolutely adorable.

  7. You are so lucky to have a lemon tree ! I don't think I could grow one, even in the house. We have a cold climate.

  8. Fun post...I kinda stay away from lemons...I'm allergic to citrus fruit! hope your post doesn't cause me to break out! lol! I do the *smell* of citrus, but my body can't handle the intake of it, for some reason!

  9. I want a lemon tree!!!

  10. Lemons are great. My grandparents have a lemon tree that is packed full of lemons every spring.


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