Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I've got beautiful gardens in my backyard, lovingly planted and cared for by my grandmother before she died (now somewhat lovingly cared for by my gardener), and our kids love to dig, and pick, and pull and dig some more in these very gardens.

They pick flowers for G's mom and for me, they dig up ground cover looking for roly polys, they search under very large stones and bricks that I am just sure are going to break a toe one of these days, and I just about have a meltdown.

Ok, so I suppose I should really learn how to let go of this, but it drives me C.R.A.Z.Y. The once beautiful gardens are starting to look a bit sparse where things have been pulled and picked and overturned.

Last Sunday was no exception, only I wasn't here to yell at them. I came home to this:

How could I get mad at them for that?


  1. Dont you love getting those little flowers. Then I always feel bad when I have to throw them out...

  2. So cute!

  3. That was very thoughtful of them.

  4. As a fellow control freak, I feel your pain! But I am guessing that your grandmother would have a huge smile on her face at that sweet boy grasping those flowers in his little hand!


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