Friday, June 4, 2010

Five Questions

Since I love answering random questions about myself, and I know that you are dying to know more about me, I've decided to participate in "Five Question Friday" over at My Little Life. Sometimes it's difficult to find things to blog about, so this is a great jumpstart!

1. If you could go back to college would you change your major? Or, if you were to go to college right now...what major would you choose?

I don't think I would change my major - I was a Early Childhood Development major (although I only took it as far as an Associate's Degree), and I loved every related class that I took, especially now that I am a parent. I may need daily reminders of what I learned, but it's all still with me, and it helps me understand where my son is at, where he should be, and where he's going. It's amazing the amount of development that happens in the first five years of a child's life, and how many people take that for granted and just sit their children in front of the TV or computer! Get up and play with your kids people!

2. What do you love most about your home?
I love the amount of history that's there, and the fact that it is MINE, all mine! I recently blogged about it here.

3. What types of books do you like to read (if you like to read at all)?
Lately, I'm more of a Dr. Suess fan than anything. I guess it comes with parenthood.

But if I do get the chance, I enjoy reading authors like Nicholas Sparks, stories that touch your heart, make you think, have a little romance. The last book I read was "Night In Rodanthe" (yup, it's been a while).

I was lost in this book for a week; it made me cry, and made me laugh out loud. I LOVED this book. I was so excited when the movie came out, but the movie did not live up to the book and I was so disappointed.

4. What is the grossest thing you've ever eaten?
Wow, that's a tough one...Probably octopus, although it didn't taste gross. It was pretty gross thinking about swallowing the tenticles. I tend to try and avoid eating gross things. :)

5. If you HAD to be a character on a TV show, whom would you be?
I'd have to say I'd love to be Meredith Grey. She gets to kiss McDreamy. 'Nuff said.

Ok, that was fun. Do you feel like you know me a little better now? Good!

Have a great weekend everyone! We've got another busy one planned. The boy has a haircut tomorrow and we're still cleaning up from our BBQ/Party last weekend (yikes!). Then we've got a photo shoot on Sunday, which is always fun! :) Doesn't leave much time to relax...

Happy Friday!!!


  1. Hmmm I could kiss McDreamy....hmm I want to change my answer now :) I don't think I have any want to kiss the husband of the character I chose.
    Happy Friday! I am your new follower!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. I've never watched Grey's Anatomy, but I would TOTALLY be on it to have a kissing scene with Patrick Dempsey! Who would have thought when he was in Can't Buy Me Love he would turn out to be so hot!! ;)

    Happy weekend!!

  3. Hey Kristin! So glad to have you playin' along!

    Ooooh, I didn't even think about the kissing stuff...can I change my answer, too?!

  4. i wouldn't mind kissing mcdreamy all the time either :)
    i said the same thing for my gross food, too! wasn't that gross just a gross food in general :)

  5. That is so funny! I said Grey too, so I could be with McDreamy. Haha!

  6. Just wanted to let you know you have a new follower from New Friend Friday!! Looking forward to reading all your future posts.


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