Thursday, June 3, 2010

What's For Dinner?

The Boy (cooking on his new "BBQ"): "Mommy, time to eat!"
Me: "What's for dinner?"

The Boy: "Chicken!"

This kid just cracks me up somteimes!


  1. Too funny! When my daughter was about 20 months old, she was eating turkey as she was looking through an alphabet book. When she hit the "T" page, it said "T" is for turkey. My daughter took her luncheon meat to the picture and pretended that it was saying "Momma, momma." Very warped and funny!

  2. that is so funny!
    kids are so literal!

  3. Oh man.. that is too funny. I bet he is going to love that bbq. can't wait to hear what he makes for you... I think you could probably make a series out of it. lol. By the way, how the sleeping going? From what I have read sounds like he is doing better, which mean you are finally getting more sleep. :)

    Hope all is well.

    xo Alysha

  4. How cute is that!!!

    I'm already a follower and am visiting you from NFF!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Here from NFF!

    I love your blog design is super cute! Your blog has double titles? was that a custom font oops? But your color scheme is amazing!

    I'm a new follower!

    -Navygirl Cris

  6. So cute!!

    I am a new follower!! Happy Friday!!

  7. I am a follower! I'm here from Follow Me Friday! Have a great weekend! Blessings!

    You have a very cute blog! Your son looks like he's on his way to being a master griller.


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