Friday, July 9, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. What is one food you could eat everyday?  
Cereal. I {heart} cereal. I actually do eat it every night. Now if you want a brand or a flavor, well, that actually changes from time to time, but i can go for a couple months on the same kind of cereal. My current love: Honey Smacks.

2. Are you working in the career you thought you would be when you were 18? 
Not at all. I was a preschool teacher at 18, well actually at 19, but close enough. I started school for Early Childhood Education. I did this for about six years. Then I realized that i could never make a real living as a preschool teacher, and took a job as an Office Manager for a church. Still not making millions, but it's better than teaching! Side note: If you want quality teachers, you have to pay them quality money. Preschool is more than just daycare. Children develop the most out of their lives in those first five year. Ok, rant finished.

3. What is something that you wish you would have done when you were younger and you didn't?

I can't think of anything...I was pretty lucky and got to experience a lot when I was a kid. I have a lot that I wish I COULD do now, but that's a different topic...

4. What color are your kitchen walls?  
Green. I've always wanted green in my kitchen, so  naturally the first thing to do when re-doing the kitchen, was to paint it green! I still want to paint the cabinets white, but we'll have to wait a while for that...

 5. Do you remember what your very first favorite song was?
"Tomorrow" from the movie "Annie." My preschool teacher from that time still talks about how I would come in the classroom singing that song at the top of my lungs. I loved that movie. And guess what my first dog's name was? Yup, "Sandy."

Happy Friday everyone! We've been slowing potty training, and I *think* we're going to try big boy underwear this weekend (the boy, not me) so wish us luck!!!


  1. Yummm honey smacks! Pretty kitchen :) I loved the movie Annie!

  2. Hi Kristen! GREAT SITE!! I can't wait to explore more!! I am your newest FRIDAY follower!

    Plz visit and follow at:

  3. Sandy is a very common names, you can find more original choices in my lists:
    Dog names lists


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