Thursday, July 8, 2010

Party Planning - Vintage Carnival Birthday Party

My baby is not going to be a baby for much longer. His third (gulp) birthday is coming up in September. I've chosen a theme for his party, and this is the first year I'm really going all out with it.

The theme? 
Vintage Carnival.

What do you think?

So far, I've put together the invitations. I used Photoshop Elements and a free scrapbook kits from Shabby Princess. I am thrilled with the results!


  1. Super cute! Can't wait to see how you incorporate your theme into the party.

  2. I love that invite! Great idea for a theme.

  3. I love the vintage circus idea (and would totally copy if it didn't mean clowns)! Super cute invite too!

  4. Looove the invite! I threw a circus baby shower once you are free to check out (just look under the shower link on my blog) for any thoughts....and it was a huge hit! I can't wait to see what else you come up with!

  5. Stopping by from Friday Follow! I love your invite! So cute!

  6. Wow! Planning already! I haven't even begun for Aug 19th b-day. I better get busy!


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