Saturday, July 31, 2010

New Inspiration for Homemade Artwork

I get tons of inspiration all over the web, but especially from blogs. I read a diverse variety of blogs about decorating, cooking & baking, mommyhood, adoption, infertility, photography and some written by friends. These are just a few of my favorites - take a look at my sidebar for some more great reads.

My most recent inspiration, was a post by Tara at Just Devine Style about some scripture printables that she made and used to decorate her mantel. I have been wanting to get some new artwork for my kitchen, and I love the written word as art, so after reading her idea, I decided to make my own!

I played around with some of my favorite scripture in Photoshop, found some great black frames that Rick made (too bad I only have 2), and voila! Beautiful new artwork for my kitchen!

It's simple and sweet just the way I envisioned it. I made an extra and gave it to a friend for her birthday, an idea I'm going to be tucking away and using again. For just the cost of a simple frame, you have a lovely and inexpensive gift.

Thanks, Tara, for the inspiration!


  1. They look really nice. Great idea for a gift!

  2. Kristin,
    I love them. The font is really great. They turned out beautiful! The frames are so pretty too. Thanks for the shout out! xo

  3. What a great idea. I will have to remember this come Christmas time.

  4. That is a wonderful idea, and I agree with Heather, I'll be trying this out at Christmas for sure!

    I'm visiting from Just Something I Whipped Up. Have a wonderful day!

  5. I LOVE these!! What a creative idea. I think I have gift ideas now!!


  6. Love this! So easy and cute...Featured you today:)

  7. This is so sweet! Coming over from Make it 4 Monday and I love the name of your blog!


  8. OMGosh, how neat, and thrifty! This can be done for pennies=)) Good job!


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