Saturday, July 31, 2010

Days of Summer - Day 8

Ok, so I'm not even a third of the way through this project that I decided to take on...I need to get out more!! Thank goodness I've got some vacation coming up - San Diego here we come!!

Another great thing about summer is all the cold things to eat and drink. We love making smoothies; it's Cooper's (and my) favorite breakfast treat. Pretty much our smoothies consist of: Fruit, Juice, Yogurt, Ice. I pretty much just use whatever flavors I have on hand.

This one is a Banana Orange Smoothie. The taste is reminiscent of Orange Julius (yummy!).

The recipe (amounts are approximate; I usually eyeball it):
1 cup of ice*
1/2 cup of OJ
1 Bananas
1/2 cup Vanilla Yogurt

 *If you use frozen fruit, you don't need the ice.

Put all ingredients in a blender and Blend and enjoy!

Jamba Juice and McDonald's have nothin' on Mama's homemade smoothies!!

What keeps you cool in the summer?


  1. That grin and those eyes... no wonder you can't fuss at him when he is getting into stuff!

  2. Thanks for the great idea. I agree about Mama's Homemade Smoothies - nothing can beat them. I make them 3-4 times a week for my family and usually always put baby spinach in them. The kids and hubby can't even tell.



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