Monday, July 19, 2010

Three Days Off, Swimming Pools, and Chocolate Cake

I took last Friday off, and I spent the last three days hanging out with my son.

After a trip to the grocery store and Target (for new swim goggles!) we went to Grandma's house on Friday to make good use of her community pool, practicing swimming, jumping and diving. No back floats. Didn't force the issue, since I was pretty sure the neighbors would be calling the police thinking someone was being tortured thanks to all of the high pitched shrieks when we did try. Had dinner with Gram at a new Teppenyaki place where they throw scrambled eggs in your mouth. Mmmm.

Saturday morning, we headed out to the movies to see Toy Story 3.

Ohmygosh, I can't not tell you how much I loved this movie! Well, the first hour at least. Cuz that's how long we lasted. Hey, he did better than I thought he would, and for a first-time movie goer, I don't think he did too bad. Afterwards, we headed back to Target, since in the midst of this heat wave, we needed something to cool us off. A new blow-up pool was just the ticket!

We spent a couple of hours in the backyard playing in the water then headed in for a much needed nap.

Sunday, funday, cleaning day! Ok, so those words don't all go together that well, but I did get a lot of cleaning done, put some carnitas in the crockpot (that were, by the way, oh. so. yummy.) The recipe is similar to my previous post, but in my opinion, BETTER, cuz I made a few changes, omitting the water and oranges, and opting for 3/4 cup orange juice, and a 1/2 cup of chicken broth instead! AND since the day was about 15 degrees cooler than the previous week's near 100 degree temps, I even baked a chocolate cake! I found the recipe here, thanks to Sarah at Sugar Bananas. How's that for tempting?

It was amazingly rich and moist and mocha-y. Could be the full cup of coffee in the recipe, but I can't be sure...btw, I used decaf. Can't have a two year old hyped up on Starbucks now can we?

Whew! What a full weekend!! I must say, I loved spending that time with that boy, even if he decided to use the backyard as his bathroom (I'll spare you the details on that one). TTFN!


  1. I love a full great weekend, cake looks great

  2. It's okay you missed the last part of toy probably would have cried...maybe...if you're a crier. :)

    Hooray for great weekends!

  3. Love the picture! He looks like he's having fun!!


  4. Kids, the pool, and the summer, is really the perfect combination! Seeing them whisk away in the pool lightens up my mood! And I think, kids should be introduced to pools while they're still young so they won't have anything to be afraid about it.

    Hettie Calhoun

  5. I bet you guys enjoyed the splash in Grandma’s pool. I just hope you posted more photos of the pool. I wonder how Grandma’s community pool looks like. Hehe! Anyway, I love Toy Story too. I’ve been watching the series again and again and I’m hoping that they’ll have more movies to come. :D

    -Cathy Newman-

  6. Swimming with your little one is definitely a fun thing to do. Well, don’t you have plans of having a real pool in your backyard? I bet you’re also dreaming to have one. If you have the space and the budget for a swimming pool, why not? That would definitely be a wonderful addition to your home!
    Tiffany Fields @ Pools ‘n More


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