Sunday, November 28, 2010

Our Christmas Mantel

We spent this Thanksgiving weekend like we always do...decorating for Christmas!!

I have never liked my fireplace, but I am absolutely in love with how my Christmas mantel turned out this year! Everything seems to flow, and it just makes me happy looking at it!

We've recently found out that Cooper has many allergies including many trees and grasses, so didn't want to take the chance with a real tree, or having any pine branches in the house. I used faux lighted greenery, but I love the little twinkle it adds, even during daylight.

I used the winning combination of mason jar/epsom salt/candles again, and added some small gold mercury glass tealight holders on different candle holders for some height. The bronze stars all came from Michaels.

These beautiful, large (and heavy) glass ornaments came from Marshalls last year.

I have a pretty porcelain Nativity that will probably not see the light of day for several more years, since I really don't trust my three year old around it. So, we have this super cute Little People Nativity from Fisher Price.

I made this banner in Photoshop, just like the Peace on Earth banner. I was going to be offering these as printables, so as soon as I have the time to figure out how to do that, I will let you know!

So there's my mantel. I just love how it looks at night, too!

I will be sharing my tree later this week, as well as my favorite ornaments, once I'm certain it's finished, that is! AND hopefully later this week my oven will be fixed so I can start sharing my favorite cookie recipes!!!

Thanks for visiting today, and I hope you'll be back soon! Make sure to stop by Gwenny Penny all this week and next for Haul Out the Holly. Gwen will be featuring different bloggers each day, and I'm one of them!!

I'm linking my mantel up with Layla over at The Lettered Cottage, and I'm looking forward to see what others have done with their mantels as well.

Also linking up to these great parties.


  1. Very charming! I love to have the Christmas lights on during the day too~ so pretty! Stopping by from MI4M~

  2. Great idea for the candles. I'll have to try it. Everything looks wonderful!

  3. I love the banner. I have a huge mirror above my mantle and it needed something and this was just the idea I needed! I did a DIY post in Epsom Salt Candles this week!

  4. Okay, I have to say that the best part of your decore is the fact that you have a nativity that your kiddos can play with. My Grandma had one that we played with too and my sisters and I had the best time with it. Thanks for stopping by "In His Grip".

  5. I love it!!! I so wish I had a mantle to decorate! Someday...

    I hope your Thanksgiving was fabulous!

  6. Gorgeous! I have no idea when or if we will be decorating for the holidays!

  7. Your mantel looks so pretty, I really like the stars and the jars with the candles. I use mine too, I line the sidewalk to our door with them on Christmas Eve.

  8. Gorgeous, Kristin! I especially like the way it looks at night... so warm and cozy. Love that banner, too. Hopefully you get to share it with us soon:) Keeping my fingers crossed that the oven is fixed this week!

  9. I'm totally digging the rustic elements with the traditional alongside. Love me some mason jars! And of course the creche. I need to get a new one. Do you think they have glitterfied manger scenes?

  10. I can see why you are so happy with your mantel! It really looks lovely.

  11. It looks awesome! I really like the banner and the mason jar candles- they make it look so homey and friendly!

  12. It looks so nice! I have that little nativity on my hearth for the very same reason - someday my nice one will see the light of day again!

  13. Love! The mason jar candles are so cute. Great banner too.


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