Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Books Countdown

I had high hopes for creating an advent calendar this year. Yeah, that didn't happen. When I saw this idea popping up on a few blogs, I knew this was the project for me (probably because it was the easiest for me to do). 

I taught preschool for about six years, and my favorite thing to splurge on was books for my classroom. I realized I have about 200 books, 40 of which are Christmas books, that I had collected over those six years! I always knew that my kids would get good use of these books one day.

When I saw this idea for a Christmas countdown, a lightbulb came on and I pulled out all my Christmas books, wrapped 24 of them, stuck them in a box and under the tree. What little one doesn't enjoy opening presents? It's a great way to countdown to Christmas, and to share some of the Christmas story and classic Christmas tales every night.


Starting tonight, it will become part of our regular evening routine for the next 24 days.

How do you countdown to Christmas?

We're off to Disneyland tonight to visit Santa and his reindeer, watch the Christmas Fantasy parade and see snow!


  1. that's really cool! Alas, we only have three Christmas books lol

  2. You always have such great ideas!

    Have fun at Disney! I need to go back.

  3. What's today..the 24th? OMG!!

    ...that's how I count down till Christmas! LOL!!!

  4. What a great idea! We just havent put up our tree yet.

  5. And I put it under my "Love It" section on my blog!

  6. This is such a great idea! I've never heard of this before. My daughter would love this. Filing it away for next year. Hope you enjoyed Disney!

  7. Great idea! We do it too but I didn't think about sharing the idea on my blog. :-) Thanks for the idea!

    Btw, you don't have to have tons of Christmas books. ANY books will do...including library books ... as long as they aren't due back before Christmas! ;-)

    For my family, it is all about sharing books together while we wait for Christmas Day. :-)

  8. That's adorable! My daughter is 11 months old and this is her first christmas. I had the idea of reading her a christmas story every night up to Christmas eve. I ran out of Christmas books! But i've been rereading some of them.

    Next year - when she'll enjoy opening gifts more - I think i'll try it this way! And collect quite a few more Christmas books!


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