Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Things Kids Say...

Being a mommy has it's ups and downs. Between the tantrums and the fits and the screaming, there are many laughs. I thought I'd share some of the things that have been making me laugh.

Lately, my son has been "outing" himself. 

These conversations usually take place with us calling from the other room when he's been unusually quiet.
Me: Cooper?
Him: I not doing anything!
Me: Really?
Him: I not jumping on the couch!

See what I mean?

Of course I know he is surely doing something.

Me: Cooper?
Him: I not going in the office! (as he's walking out of the office, which is off limits and usually locked - oops!)

Rick: Cooper, what was that? (from the other room, upon hearing a "thud")
Cooper: I not throwing anything!
Rick: What did you throw?
Cooper: I not throwing the dinosaur!

Sometimes you just have to laugh! I mean, c'mon, how can I punish him when he's being so cute??

Taken at the new "Pirate Park" near our house on a preschool field trip (hence the purple shirt)


  1. Hahaha! It's so hard to get mad at them, when they're that cute!

  2. He's too cute! You are so blessed!!


  3. How adorable!! They do say some of the cutest things!!

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  4. All they have to do is smile at me and I say, "Punishment? Did you do something wrong?"

  5. So cute! Mine are past the stage of admitting guilt.

  6. It is too cute how they just tell on themselves!

  7. Gotta laugh and love this age huh? How else are we gonna survive thru it :)

  8. lol thats adorable. My daughter will say 'I love you' whenever she is doing something she shouldn't. How sneaky is that? E.g. she'll be biting her nails and if I'm turning my head and just about to catch her, she'll whip her finger out of her mouth and say, Mommy, I love you!! Little buggers! Btw I'm a new follower. I've really enjoyed reading all your posts!


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