Monday, July 26, 2010

Party Planning - Carnival Prize Party Favors

I am really getting excited about planning Cooper's third birthday party! I'm stealing ideas getting inspiration from Adriana at and baby makes three who planned a phenomenol party for her son's first birthday last month. You should check it out - she's been featured on many sites within the blogosphere. I can only hope that my scaled down version is as successful!

Now, what's a carnival without prizes???

I purchased party favor "prizes" from Hey Yo Yo on etsy. I've discovered that etsy is an amazing forum in which to find unique handmade and/or vintage (or vintage looking) items, like these:

Cute, cute, cute Clown Straws and

Bird Whistles! Remember these??? You fill them with water and them make a really annoying bird tweeting sound??? Love. it.

You can't have a carnival without this stuff:

I found these at the dollar spot at Target.

I also spent an hour at trying to decide what my favorites were. I finally decided on these:

{Ice Cream Shooters}


and these:

Oh, and remember the invitation I showed you here? I was planning to print them at home, but I found a great deal at where I was able to order free 25 4" x 8" cards for just the shipping cost of $4.99! They came in the mail yesterday, and I am thrilled with them!!

Seven weeks to go and counting...


  1. Wow! How cute! That's going to be a really fun party!

  2. You are so sweet, thanks for the shout out. Cooper's party is going to be amazing and I can't wait to see it, especially with the amazing pictures you take! Happy Party Planning and remember to save one of everything because the kids are going to go crazy for all your awesome prizes!

  3. That is awesome!! It's going to be a great party!! :)

  4. Love the favors...very cute idea! FYI sams club sells a pack of tubs of cotton candy. I think like 9 dollars for 12 or something...I know they are less than a dollar a piece...just an idea

  5. It's my pleasure to give you the Versatile Blogger Award today--you have such a wonderful, beautiful, and creative blog. You can see the announcement at

    Thanks for being you!


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