Betty Crocker Wannabe has MOVED! I am now blogging solely at A Simply Klassic Home. I am still sharing printables, party ideas, and other inspiration. It's much more streamlined and clean. I hope you will stop by and say follow along there! I have lots of ideas for new printables coming this holiday season!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Drumroll, Please.....

THANK YOU to everyone who voted in my Christmas Card contest, and for all of your sweet comments! I have quite a few new followers, so welcome, and thank you for joining in on the fun. There were a few people who commented who didn't leave their email, so if you didn't receive your Noel printable, please email me at so I can send it to you.

There was a total of 43 votes, and it was a close race. (View the cards again here.)

The Christmas card with the most votes was...drumroll please...

Number 1 (by only one vote)!

Thank you from saving me of the pain of having to choose myself. And for saving Rick from the headache he was getting from me constantly asking him!

Now for the giveaway winner!!!

The winning comment (via was:

Rebecca @ Searching Out Simple who said "I'm torn between #1 & #4. But mostly I'm jealous you're sooo far ahead of me on Christmas cards! ;)"

Rebecca has a beautiful little girl and a soldier hubby and I'm so thrilled to be able to design something for them.

But because I loved all of your comments so much, and I was feeling generous, I decided to choose ANOTHER winner!

Noelle @ Because Nice Matters, who said "I follow...right over a cliff I will follow if it means I can win a Christmas card design...Please oh please pick me! Now...for YOUR Christmas card, #2 was my favorite until I saw #4. I love them both but #4 just shouts 'home for the holidays' with a fireplace and cup of hot chocolate. :)"

I'm excited because Noelle has become a friend and provides me with comic relief each and every day! Go check out her blog, you'll be glad you did!

Congratulations ladies!! Email me at coopsmommy07 (at) aol (dot) com so we can work out the details for your choice of a personalized printable or Christmas card design!!

I've been working on a couple of Christmas banner printables and a few other Christmas projects that I will be sharing soon. AND I'm getting my oven fixed!!! Woo-hoo!!! That means I'll be sharing a few of my favorite Christmas cookie recipes too.

Saturday is National Adoption Day, and it's also the anniversary of the day my son came home for good. Be sure to check back this weekend when I share that story...


Rebecca said...

Oh wow! I'm so excited =] Thank you so much! I'll send you an e-mail now. :)

I look forward to reading the rest of that story. I was adopted by my dad and didn't know there was a national adoption day.

Anonymous said...

OH MY LAND!!! Bless your heart!!! I am so excited! THANK YOU!!! After the morning I've had this soothes all of my troubles! Hooray!

Heather said...

I like Noelle too! I am glad she won!

That card is great. Your son looks so fun in that picture.