Betty Crocker Wannabe has MOVED! I am now blogging solely at A Simply Klassic Home. I am still sharing printables, party ideas, and other inspiration. It's much more streamlined and clean. I hope you will stop by and say follow along there! I have lots of ideas for new printables coming this holiday season!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Family Values Subway Art Printable

I'm a follower. Yes, I've jumped on the subway art bandwagon.

You might remember this post, where I made some inspirational art for my kitchen. I really am loving the simplicity of the written word in black and white as art.

Like everyone else out there in blogland, I've seen a lot of DIY Subway Art. I'm a printable kind of gal rather that a paint-it-yourself-er, so I sat down in front of my computer, played around in Publisher (my favorite program, btw) and came up with this.

I chose some phrases that I felt were important for our kids (and us) to remember. This is what it says:
Laugh Out Loud
Love One Another
Keep Your Promises
Help Others
Say Please and Thank You
Don't Whine
Work Hard
Say I Love You
Be Grateful
Use Kind Words
Always Tell the Truth
Do Your Best

I stuck it in a frame that I had on hand, and there you go! Free art!

Here's the printable for you if you'd like. Just click on the image, right click and save. Size is 8x10.

What would your family values sign say?

Funky Junk Interiors
The Girl Creative
Cottage Instincts
Someday Crafts
Somewhat Simple
The Shabby Nest


Anonymous said...

I'm in love with that!!! So cute! I have no idea what our family values sign would say...

Oh wait...I have one says 'Because Nice Matters' :)

I have a stitched sign too. It says 'Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.'

There you are...that's all I've got.

Stylist A said...

Those are all really awesome. You are so crafty. The only one I have that comes to my mind right now is "Guart your heart above all else,for it determines the course of your life" -Proverbs 4:23

Heather @ 3 kids and lots of pigs said...

I love this and love your background song. Thanks for sharing the printable version with us. I just have to figure out where I want to put it now because I absolutely love it.

Becca Bertotti said...
4! So creative and how sweet of you to share the printable version with us !! I may have to *borrow* it. Thanks again, Becca

Lil Mama Crafts said...

I love the subway art that is definitely popular right now. Your's looks great! I think this is so funny...I actually wanted to do the SAME thing you did...using the words from the song on your blog!!(Love Like Crazy) I told my husband on the phone last week (he's playing soldier in TX right now) I think the chorus from this song says it ALL! This just makes me want to do it more! Thanks for the motivation!!!

Jen said...

Love the subway art! I just did something similiar for Fall! Love it!
Stopping by from Cottage Instincts!

Sara Neufeld said...

thank you so much for this!!! I love it! I like the just print it and frame it idea. :)

Sandy Ang said...

So chic !

Jennifer said...

LOVE this!! Thanks for sharing the printable! (=


I saw a sweet little saying on a chalkboard in a home...Love is spoken here. Such a simple reminder for all family members!

Love your art! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

That is a great piece! I think you've covered some of the most important ones; I would probably add Family Comes First - just a good reminder! Thanks for sharing! the printable!

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting and sharing your art for printing

LaVonne said...

This one is great too. Thank you for sharing!

Blessings this holiday season!

The Peterson Family said...

I absolutely LOVE this printable - I'm going to put up one at home and in my kindergarten classroom! Thanks for sharing.

Chanin said...

This is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing! I posted it about it on my blog

Nancy said...

Your printables are great!! Thank you for sharing!

Unknown said...

I just found your site and love what I see! Your wall art printables are gorgeous! I've downloaded them and plan to print them out. Thank you for your generosity in sharing your work.

amanda said...

This is great...Thank you!!

Kalola said...

Thanks for the subway art...I just love it! It covers all the important things my parents taught me that I then taught my children...nice to know there are still people who have values! I had it printed at Costco for $1.49 and picked up a 11x14 black frame with a white mat at Joanns on for my office for $8.00! Thank you!!

Sonal said...

Thank you for sharing.

Diane said...

Great printable. Thank you for sharing your talent.

acte gratuit said...

Thank you for the first "free printable" I've ever bothered to print!

Found via Pinterest!

Emily Warner

cooperkelly4 said...

I have copied several of your prints. I just wanted to say thank you so much. I have done a lot of lapbook stuff for (a free site) and I know what it takes in time and effort to create. I really appreciate you offering them for free. sincerely, Kelly

kelfos72 said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Been looking for something like this to frame; love it!!

kelfos72 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kelfos72 said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Been looking for something like this to frame; love it!!

Ali said...

I know I'm a little late to this party but is there any way you would give us the names of the fonts that you have done? I love this and have never done a subway sign before but I want to paint it and not print it so I need to print it out and the try and cut the letters out on the paper to make a temporary stencil. My sign is 12 x 24 inches. Thanks so much.

Ali in Ireland