Betty Crocker Wannabe has MOVED! I am now blogging solely at A Simply Klassic Home. I am still sharing printables, party ideas, and other inspiration. It's much more streamlined and clean. I hope you will stop by and say follow along there! I have lots of ideas for new printables coming this holiday season!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I Love You Mama

We were on our way home from preschool today, and Cooper was buckled in his carseat, reading the new borrowed books he had just received as part of their "Raising a Reader" Program. He was telling tales of the pictures he saw, and gently pushing my seat with his feet.

As we were pulling into the driveway, he looked up and said "I love you Mama," and went back to talking about his book.

That moment took my breath away.

My son has a very tender heart inside his very active body. He is stubborn and willful and loud. He runs from me at bath time, then screams that he doesn't want to get out. He climbs out of bed five times before finally settling down for the night. He refuses to eat his dinner and deliberately throws playdough on the floor. 

The past several weeks have been rough with this little boy. He is struggling with independence, and I am struggling for control. Through it all I have moments when I question the sanity of my choice.

But at that moment, all of that melted away and my heart swelled as a wave of joy washed over me. I was reminded of why I am a mother. 

I looked at my son in the rearview mirror and was taken back for a moment at just how big he is getting. He used to look so small in that carseat, his toes barely reaching the edge. Now his blonde curls are peaking out over the top and his legs are kicking my seat. The little baby sounds he used to make have been replaced with tales of dinosaurs and dragons. I realize that he is growing up and soon enough he won't be there, and that awareness makes me cherish these moments even more.


cleverlyinspired said...

The love of a son is amazing---and mine is 10....he still take my breath away and melts my heart ;)

Adriana said...

I started tearing up as I read this! What a sweet thing for him to say, I can just imagine how wonderful that must have felt.

Unknown said...

That's a beautiful post.. I look so forward to the day when my little one can say that.. amidst running around and screaming, etc...

Kelli said...

awwwww =)

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said...

My husband and I were just discussing tonight how our youngest, who is eight months old, is becoming a little person now and we'll never have another baby in the house. It's sad (not sad enough to think about having another baby, though:). I look at my three year old and can't believe how much she has grown. I think no matter how hard you try to hold on to every moment there will always be regret that you didn't do enough to soak up every minute with them, but all you can do is try.

Kate said...

This one got me so... I could totally see Coop doing that. You are blessed mama, you both are!! Enjoy these precious moments they make all the hiccups a lot easier.


Anonymous said...

How sweet! Made me get a little teary. :)

Penelope said...

Those are the moments that take our breathe away. Our boys are growing so fast & that independence will someday be a good thing. Do you have an email subscription?