Betty Crocker Wannabe has MOVED! I am now blogging solely at A Simply Klassic Home. I am still sharing printables, party ideas, and other inspiration. It's much more streamlined and clean. I hope you will stop by and say follow along there! I have lots of ideas for new printables coming this holiday season!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Wendy's Halloween Adoption Program

Did you know that Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's, was adopted?

Nearly 20 years ago, Dave Thomas started the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.

From their website: 114,550 U.S. children are in foster care, waiting to be adopted. They have been removed from their homes as victims of child abuse, neglect or abandonment and are left without a family. The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption works on behalf of these children, because we believe every child deserves a permanent home and loving family.

Obviously, adoption awareness is a topic that is dear to my heart. You can help by purchasing some of Wendy's Trick or Treat Frosty coupon books for just $1. I plan on picking some up and including the Frosty coupons in the treat bags for Cooper's school.

"Not only does the coupon program generate national awareness for the Foundation, but the support it provides has been extraordinary,” said Rita Soronen, executive director of the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. “Initiatives like the Halloween program provide the resources for the Foundation to continue to ensure that every child has the opportunity to grow and thrive in a loving and permanent home.”

Click here to visit the Foundation's website to learn more.


Holly said...

What a great program!! I will have to check that out. Thank you for sharing!

Please stop by this weekend. I am giving away a $35 gift card to CSN Stores.


Sandra said...

I think Dave Thomas is terrific. And I wish I could adopt a child that's in foster care. Here in Canada they make it hard to even adopt a child in foster care...
I was adopted, it's close to my heart too :)
Great post Kristin!

Stacie said...

We love these (hubby is adopted) and are giving them out at trunk-or-treat!

Tammi said...

Hello! I LOVE your story....thanks for sharing it with us! I just recently started blogging in hopes of connecting with other mothers who have adopted. My blog is called So Divine....which stands for So Blessed. We adopted our son in March of 2008 and he is such a blessing. We are going to start the process again after the first of the year and I am so excited. In June I opened an ETSY shop, Divine Line, in hopes of making some extra money to help with our second adoption....I think it is going well. I was actually going to share my adoption story tonight on my blog, so I was so happy when I found you. Again, thanks for sharing! I found you through Creative Crate....LOVE the chocolate covered pumpkins!!! I think we will give them a try tonight! Thanks

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La sciatique est une douleur vive ressentie le long d’un des 2 nerfs sciatiques. Situés à l’arrière de chacune des jambes, ce sont les nerfs les plus volumineux de l’organisme (voir schéma). Ils rejoignent la colonne vertébrale au bas du dos, à la hauteur des vertèbres lombaires et sacrées (tout juste au-dessus du coccyx)sciatique