Betty Crocker Wannabe has MOVED! I am now blogging solely at A Simply Klassic Home. I am still sharing printables, party ideas, and other inspiration. It's much more streamlined and clean. I hope you will stop by and say follow along there! I have lots of ideas for new printables coming this holiday season!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

My Carnival Party Featured!!

Cooper's Carnival Birthday Party is a couple months behind me now, but I'm still hearing about how much fun everyone had! Click here to read more...

I've also been getting rave reviews from around the blogosphere ~ check out my feature at The Birthday Blog today!!! Click here to check out the Birthday Blog. Stacy offers a ton of great ideas for all kinds of parties for all ages.


Adriana said...

Congrats, that's awesome!

Kelli said...

Awesome...just like you =) You make me so happy =0)
I have an award for you over on my blog!!

Kate said...

Well this is no surprise PK you rock the parties

Congrats to you!!!!


Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said...

Congrats, Kristin! That's fantastic. I vividly remember your post on Cooper's party... that's when I found your blog:)